R. Kelly, Joycelyn Savage

Source: Scott Olson / Jose M. Osorio/Chicago Tribune /Getty

Joycelyn Savage Tells Friends About Underage Sex With R. Kelly In Recorded Phone Call

The Blast has acquired audio of 17-year-old Joycelyn Savage talking to her voice coach about her and R. Kelly’s relationship — and the details she gave are damning!

On the 7 minute call, Joycelyn is seeking advice from her friend who happens to be her voice coach. She tells her friend that Kelly is angry she revealed to her family that they “like each other” and were being intimate, while she was only 17. Kelly in return threatened to “cut her off.”

Joycelyn tells her R. Kelly demanded she texts him “I lied to my family about us having sex” to cover himself in the future, in case he was caught for statutory rape. She also revealed that the singer may have given her an STD (herpes), and she was nervous about her father finding out if she tested positive for anything.

“I never told him [my dad] about the herpes thing.”

Joycelyn’s friend tells her that Kelly is just using her to cover his sick azz!

“In reality, you shouldn’t have told him anything. You have your family and your family will stick by you. He’s trynna get into your head. At the end of the day, he knows he’s done something wrong.”

Click here to listen to the audio! Reportedly the clip has been provided to a team of Federal investigators.